with Lord Zion from SPiT LiKE THiS

Thanks for doing this interview with us again, it's always a pleasure to read your answers. As we did - at least in my opinion - very fine last time by sticking to the song titles as part of the interview questions, we would like to do this again. So, here we go:
Bring it on!

01. 'Sick'
What a nice opener to start with! We all know that you're owner of, floating the world with offensive (and cool) shirts since 2002. You're very outspoken on many subjects, as anyone knows and can read e.g. at Facebook. So, after offending so many people for so many years: what's really sick and gross to you? What was the most offending thing you ever did and in respect, the most offending thing you experienced the last few years? 
Ever since I was a child, I enjoyed pushing people's buttons and finding people's boundaries. Offence is taken, not given. What one person finds offensive, another person finds benign. Personally, I find organised religion offensive as I don't like anything that is oppressive or doesn't allow people to think for themselves. That to me is way worse than someone saying “Cunt” a lot.

I could never say what the most offensive thing I ever did was. We have hundreds of slogans on our merch site that annoys a lot of people but, as I said above, offence is a personal choice. But, as long as I am pissing some people off, I am happy. I would hate to be such a bland individual as to try and please all the people all the time. Better to just be yourself and let other people get wound up by it.

The most offending thing I have experienced over the last few years is summed up in the opening lines of the album: “Sick of all the liars / Sick of all the thieves / Sick of all the people who want a piece of me”.

02. 'Normalityville Horror'
A great title track and a fantastic title for an album, I guess many people and especially the fans can relate to this one. So, what is 'Normalityville' to you and please, describe your personal horror within! How did you come up with the title? This could also be a chance to talk a little bit about the whole production of the album, although you did this very fine online - so, maybe in a nutshell?
The Normalityville Horror, to me, is living a suburban lifestyle, having to go out to do a job you hate every day and doing what is expected of you rather than want you want to do. I don't like the fact that we are indoctrinated from a very early age to conform. As soon as you start school, your free will is gradually taken away from you. Independent thought is not encouraged and they try to destroy any individuality by making you wear a uniform to be the same as everyone else. That way, you won't try and fight the systems that are in place or ask any awkward questions.

Well, I did ask awkward questions and I couldn't understand why the people that claimed to love me (family) wanted me to follow a path that I did not want to follow. There were periods of time where I fought endlessly with my parents because they thought I should cut my hair and get a “proper” job but there was no way I was going to do that. I had my own dreams to dream and my own path to follow. We have one life and there is no way I am going to live it in a way to please other people.

I came up with the title a few years ago and always loved it. It wasn't right for our first album though but, when it came to writing this one, it fitted more with the mood of it. This is an angry album full of angry songs. I was – and am – pissed off with people and situations; this album reflects that. After working with total tossers on the last album, we came to the conclusion that if ANYONE in the SLT organisation gave us even the hint of bullshit, they were GONE. We have exorcised a lot of people that way and are better off for it.

We chose CT to produce this album for several reasons: A) he is a legend; B) he is an amazing producer; C) he thought that he could capture the SLT sound and vibe. And he did, most admirably. He was also extremely easy to work with. No ego and open to any and all suggestions. That is important to me as I have very definite ideas and I don't want to be arguing with people all the time. CT just took on board what I had to say and made it happen. It was a VERY sad day for me when the album was finished as it was the end of a really fun month. I am so happy to now be signed to his label as it means I get to play with him some more!

03. 'Zero To Sixty'
A cool song and your new promo video - what's the story behind this song? Do you believe in something like instant stardom, like a kind of love at first sight? Please tell us a little bit about the video and its production!
“Zero To Sixty” is one of those songs that can mean different things to different people. Lyrically, it sounds like a song about driving fast, losing control, being in the fast lane but they are all metaphors for the drinking problems that I experienced over the years. I wrote it so fast and so easily – it just poured out of me – and it is the most popular song on the album (so far).

However, when CT first heard it, he related to the lyrics in a completely different way. For him, it was about getting older but still feeling youthful and wanting to lead an exuberant lifestyle. So who am I to tell people what meaning they should get from my lyrics – as long as they can relate to them in some way, that is the important bit.

Instant stardom is something that has become more and more likely thanks to the internet. We have witnessed it time and time again now, the most notable example I can think of being Susan Boyle. All of those X-Factor style bullshit TV shows launch a thousand mediocre people into millions of people's homes on a weekly basis. People are lazy so, rather than trying to find out something they like, they just accept what Simon Cowell tells them. Pathetic, really. I was asked to go on a TV talent show and I told them to fuck off. Sure, I might be rich and famous now if I had done it, but I am not prepared to sell my soul for money or fame.

The video we shot for “Zero To Sixty” is brilliant. I cannot tell you anything about the story as I want it to be a complete surprise when it comes out. It will shock people – for all the right reasons – amuse people, entertain people. It's quite astonishing what can be achieved on a small budget with just a bit of imagination and talent. I cannot wait for people to see it. If it doesn't go viral, there is no justice in the world!

04. 'Very Very Good At Being Bad'
Another clever title - what makes you personally very very good at being bad? What's the meanest person you've ever met?
I am no angel and, over the years, I have mistreated people. But, something about me and my personality meant that people kept coming back for more. That is what the title means to me. It's like “I shouldn't really be getting away with this...but I am!”. It is easy to exploit people and situations when you have that kind of power and I am not proud of the fact that I did abuse it. I am rectifying that now and am recanting for my sins! My belief is that life is a journey of learning. Most people stop learning once they leave school whereas, for me, that was just the beginning. I am a much wiser person now, broader in my thoughts and scope and am proud of the fact that I will learn from my mistakes and try and be a better person. It's nice to be nice!

The meanest person I've ever met would be any person that is a dishonest liar. Why anyone is so weak as to lie is incomprehensible to me. Either have the strength of your convictions or crawl back under the rock from whence you came.

05. 'Dragged Kicking & Screaming'
Well, if that isn't a real rock 'n' roll title... did they ever drag you out kicking and screaming out of somewhere? Which situation could this possibly be, if you should imagine one?
Yeah, my mother's womb! I was caesarian, breech birth and weighed 9lb 10oz, so my poor mum had a tough time. Apparently, they kept turning me the right way round and I would get myself sitting back on my arse again. Obstinate even before I took my first breath. Start as you mean to go on.

When I drank, Vikki had to often drag me out of places kicking & screaming. I'm not sure I would still be here if she hadn't rescued me on many occasions. I am sure I escaped several beatings and general carnage thanks to her. I liked to leave destruction in my wake. I am glad to be a much more focussed individual now. No-one can come close to touching a strong person with a clear mind.

06. 'Teen Angel'
That kind of sounds like the 50s to me... well, the title, not the song itself. Do you remember this tv show starring Jason Priestley from the late 80s? Anyway, what's this song about? What's a teen angel to you? And, yes, this may be a little bit far fetched now - do you like tv? What are your favourite shows? And what do you think of tv in general? Kind of a blessing or more brainwashing of the masses than anything else?
Do you mean “Beverly Hills 90210”? I love that show! Me and Vikki bought all the box-sets and I made her watch it. Proper '90's cheese where everyone looks like Vanilla Ice or James Dean.

This song is about a Sven Gali type figure who manipulates a young girl for his own nefarious devices. It fucks her up and she ends up killing herself through an overdose. Cheery stuff!

Some musicians have a snobby attitude towards television but I am not one of them. Like with most things, if something is good and well executed, it is enjoyable. If it is rubbish, it isn't. I wouldn't sit down and watch a soap opera, but I enjoy good comedy and good drama. Most of the great stuff comes from the USA, but Ricky Gervais pretty much nails it from the UK.

We have a massive DVD collection (we don't watch TV “live”, preferring to be in control of our viewing via DVD) with favourite shows being stuff like Breaking Bad, Dexter, Sons Of Anarchy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Community, American Dad, South Park, Family Guy, Arrested Development, 30 Rock... You get the idea. 

I actually think that mobile telephones are a bigger “problem” than TV. Phones seem to rule people's lives now. Seems I can't have a conversation with anyone without them checking their phones every two minutes. Really? Are you that fucking important that you need to be checking emails constantly? I actually don't own a mobile myself – and am glad of it.

07. 'The Life & Times Of The Suicide Kid'
You're very frank about the fact that you went through very hard times in the past. You're also very busy helping people in similar situations and do lots of good things online, like this fantastic blog about fitness and diet (I totally admire that one, a must read!). Please tell us about this song and what does it mean to? How does it feel to help fans and other people alike who go through difficult times?
The lifelong troubles I have had with my brain have humbled me. However much I like to think I am in control of myself, every now and again, I have episodes that show me that I am at the mercy of some pretty powerful forces contained within me. I have been lucky and have received some great help and I like to pay it forward. Mental health is not something people talk about much and, if by talking about my experiences someone seeks help, job done.

Similarly with my blogsite. I was an overweight child bought up in a household that was ignorant to food nutrition. I suffered physically as a result and now have to constantly watch what I eat, forgoing many gastronomic pleasures because of this. And it sucks! So if I can pass on some of my knowledge to others and show them how to be healthy and live longer, that's not a bad thing. Most people into rock n roll try and live the lifestyle thinking that's what real rockers do. Well, I don't think anyone would accuse me of being anything other than a real rocker so I am here to prove that you can still Rock Like Fuck without having to do all the drink and drugs in the process.

As I travel through life, I find I am getting less and less selfish. I actively enjoy helping people. Whether it is through my blog, donating to charity or discussing my own problems, it is satisfying to know that you are making a positive difference in someone's life. If we all just gave a bit of ourselves, of our time, the world truly would be a better place. And there's nothing wrong with that.

08.' Oh No! Here We Go!'
Now, that's an exclamation! Maybe this is the right time to talk a little bit about the things you'd like to do in the next five years, SLT-wise and beyond. Did you ever have the feeling that everything speeded up so much you couldn't stop it anymore? Ever really wanted to stop anything at all, but weren't able at all? 
Obviously, my main priority is with SLT. I want us to continue to grow our fanbase, grow as a band and reach the dizzy heights of success WITHOUT selling out and WITHOUT sucking the Devil's cock. However, SLT is more than a band, it is a way of life and there is so much more to us than just the music. So, yes, the music will always be the focus but there will be so much more.

If I could stop anything, it would be time. I don't believe there is an afterlife and the 80-odd years we get on this planet are nowhere near enough. So I try not to waste it. I get annoyed at religion because it gives people false hope and stops them truly living life to the full, because they think there will be more at the end of it. One of the cruelest things I can think of is to devote yourself to religion as it is a wasted opportunity.

09. 'The Dumb Song'
Well, I guess you didn't go for a SUPERTRAMP-tribute with that one! Who is the dumbest person you ever met? Any interesting story to share? And what's really, really dumb in your opinion?
I have met plenty of dumb people in my time. This song though is based on the notion that dumb people talk about people whilst clever people talk about ideas. I've always been an ideas man and don't go in for idle gossip. It fascinates me that people's focus seems to be about who did what to who, and did you hear what so-and-so said to so-and-so? Really? Is that all you have to contribute to the planet? As the chorus of the song goes: “Dumb people talk about people / And I hear you talking a lot / How about you shut your mouth / Then all the gossip will stop”. Amen to that, motherfucker!

10. 'Dead To Me Now'
Huh, that's a statement - which person is dead to you now, and why? What does a person have to do to you to make you feel this way? Are you more a "burning the bridges" person and fancy vengeance as a concept - never forgive, never forget - or do you believe in forgiveness? What's your opinion on religion nowadays?
Anyone that crosses me or betrays me is dead to me. I have a zero tolerence policy for liars, thieves, bullshitters, twats and dickheads. If someone tries to manipulate me or steal from me, they are dead to me. This song was written with one specific person in mind (whose ego was so big, they didn't even realise it was even though it was blindingly obvious) who, thankfully, I have ejected from my existence.

I don't waste my time or energy on revenge. I would rather stop thinking about a person than spend all my time with them on my mind. After all, surely then they are winning? Better to just realise that their time in your life is done, cut them off and move on.

And I think my thoughts on religion are pretty clear. I think people that believe in God or an afterlife are deluded and, frankly, I lose a lot of respect for their intelligence. It seems such an outlandish concept to me. I actually find it incredulous that a grown-up human being that isn't retarded can believe in a God. It's an ego-based concept: “I am so damn important, there is no way that this is it. I must continue!”. Nope, afraid not. You, me, everyone on this planet is completely and utterly irrelevant. Get used to it. Just try and enjoy the short time you have then realise that you simply disappear. I am a nihilist, for sure, but I think my outlook is the most realistic – and likely - outcome.

11. Yes, I know, we're through with the song titles now - but, when will we possibly see you in Germany again? Any chances or even talks of a tour, maybe in support of someone?
We will be releasing the song and video to “Zero To Sixty” across Europe soon, with “Suicide Kid” as the B-side. Once that has done it's business, the album with be released across Europe. It's one of the reasons it is available as CD only at the moment in the UK, as iTunes counts Europe as a whole but we wanted to concentrate on the UK first, as it's home.

However, one of my absolute favourite places to play is Germany. Since visiting, I have fallen in love with your country. It is familiar enough to England to not feel alien, but it is so much more open and less crowded. Zooming down the autobahn to the next show is always a pleasure and I cannot wait to do it again!

12. Again, thanks a lot for the interview and your (I'm pretty sure about that) interesting answers - any last words for our readers? Anything you'd like to say, but we didn't ask?
All I would encourage people to do is get involved. Connect with us on your network of choice. Our main site is at but we are also on and I can be found at If you fancy supporting our adventures – and offending a bunch of people in the process – buy a tee from (each one hand screen-printed by Vikki) and please check out our album trailer video on If you like how that sounds, buy the fucking thing so we can make another!

Thank you.

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Read the GERMAN VERSION here


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