Vikki Spit
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Instrument/Equipment: Bass using a Black Dean Demonator 4 Bass with EMG-35P4 Pickups; Marshall MB450H Amp Head; Dunlop MXR Bass DI; Dunlop Super Comp; Dunlop MXR Bass Octave Deluxe; Marshall 4 X 12"; Marshall 1 x 15"; Shure sm-58 mic for bv's; Coffin Cases
Birthday: 23rd October
Interact: Email · Facebook · Twitter

Role in SLT: I am ViKKi SPiT.  I spend a lot of time being me. This is not easy.  Ask anyone who has tried being me. I play bass in SPiT LiKE THiS. This is not as simple as it sounds. I want it to look good and to sound good. I don't make any half-arsed efforts, I want anyone who sees us play live to enjoy every single aspect of it.  I want the details to be perfect. I want to look good, I want to play good, I want to perform. If I'm not soaked with sweat when I get off stage then either it's really, really fucking cold or I haven't done it right!  I am not one of those pretty girls who stands on-stage pouting and posing afraid to chip a nail. I move, I bounce, I jump, I break strings and occasionally (as you will if you do this in 4 inch heels with a bloody heavy bass guitar) I nearly fall over. I do pout sometimes though..  Oh, I also do back voxx.  

I also run with ZiON, this helps fund the multiple things a rock band needs to work and also provides us with SPiT LiKE THiS t-shirts, which I am very proud to say I print myself. It makes me a Very Happy ViKKi Indeed to be on-stage and to see people wearing SLT tees which I have made myself.  

I also do a lot of the boring day-to-day stuff which has to be done. Y'know, like making sure The Slut Bus gets it's MoT, looking pretty. That kind of essential-but-extremely-dull stuff!

Love: Honey-roast cashew nuts.  Unexpected good things.  Pink underwear.  New shoes. Free guitars. Not being sued.  Feeling at peace with the world. Tattoos.  Friends.  Bolly.  Roxy.  Horses.  ZiON!  He is a MAJOR part of my life - I think I should mention him in his other role. Not as singer, not as my partner in, but as my partner partner. We have been together for a long time. I think we make a very good pair. There is no one I trust more.
Hate: I hate unnecessary cruelty to any living thing. I hate ignorance or laziness which leads to cruelty. I hate people who fuck over their friends or people who act like they give a shit about others and run away when the going gets tough. I try not to hate though, as I mention elsewhere, I believe in karma. These people who do these things will get thier comeuppence so I try not to waste my energy on hate. It's bloody hard sometimes though!
Personal: What else about me??? Do you know, if I wear anything other than stilettos for more than an hour or so, my legs really ache.  I'm naturally pink-haired.  I haven't eaten meat since I was about 7 years old. I don't think it's such a huge deal, but i think it's something which makes me what I am. If you think it's funny to shove meat in my face or eat meat and make animal noises at me then I am pleased to tell you that you are an unevolved moron who shall pay for it both immediately (thanks to me) and also in the long-term. I believe in karma.

When I was little I used to have a reccuring dream in which I was trapped on train tracks. I could see onto the platform and everything was grey. I called and called for the people on the platform to help me, but they just looked straight ahead. The only colour was a big sunflower and the yellow front of the approaching train.  

I also played violin for a while when I was in school, but it was not as fun as bass.

Endorsements (Full): 

ViKKi SPiT :: endorsed by EMG PiCKUPS >>

Endorsements (Part): 

Favourite Quote: You don't need a cock to rock!
On the fans: OK, our SLuTz... a nastier, filthier, cruder more disruptive group I'll never meet. thats what makes them so special!  Our SLuTz have helped us get to where we are now, and they'll help us get a lot further. They constantly amaze me with the lengths they go to in order to place our stickers in the most prominent positions, even getting arrested, expelled or beaten up in the process. We really appreciate what you all do for us, we really fucking do and we won't forget it. When we're big, rich, famous arrogant rock stars, we'll remember you who were there at the start, and we'll do something to reward you for it. Chocolate all round or something like that.  Thanks for supporting us you lot!
They Say: "The hottest gal in rock'n'roll...just what Shirley Manson would be if she had the looks to match her 'fuck off' demeanor!"

"Saw you a few months ago in a tattoo magazine I got - you're an Icon for girl bassists!"

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