News 2002

december 2002
just confirmed that we're gonna have a track on the cd cover mount on powerplay magazine late january.  the track is a brand new one, still being mixed (!!) called 'trust your instincts' and it's a killer!

those nice people at bizarre magazine have seen fit to feature one of our t-shirts in their latest issue.  don't forget that you can get yours from!

some of our new t-shirt designs have now been made and stuck on our webshite.  i'm sure you'll agree, they push bad taste to the limit.  hoorah!!

another very flattering review at the sleazegrinder

we're pleased to announce that our deal for t-shirt distribution has just been inked with global marketing in london so, this side of christmas, our glorious range of offensive t-shirts will be hitting a freak shop near you!  you can also buy them online from our sister site

just got a great review in an italian magazine, click here to read it and the translation!

our very own record label, megabucks music, has been made full members within the bpi.  great news for us, bad news for the uk music industry!

we've started recording fresh material for our next release, currently titled "anarchy for two".  the plan is to have it out to co-incide with a competition to run in bizarre magazine january next year.

wildhearts frontman ginger likes spit like this, it's official!  we sent him some of our wonderful t-shirts and a cd and he thought it was all great.  on top of that, we also have tommy lee wearing them!  can't get much more rock 'n' roll than that!

cable station txt me will start playing some of our tracks over the next couple of weeks - big thanks to adam for making it happen!

a.m.p. - against manufactured pop official website now open!!!

a.m.p. - against manufactured pop - we are delighted to announce that we are starting a revolution against manufactured pop music.  if you are unimpressed with the state of today's industry and the production line of pop pap that we are exposed to sign our petition now!!!!!

spit like this mp3's will soon be available on and the ep will soon be sold on

from september 8th - 12th, the t-shirt range produced by us and our label, megabucks music, will be available for the alternative fashion trade to buy from global marketing at the infamous london edge show in kensington

debut spit like this ep, "the pop shot!" released on our very own megabucks music label
click here to see a snapshot of proud parent z with his first baby! officially launched

we have a stall at the uk's bulldog bash to promote the band, megabucks and cd officially launched

"the pop shot!" ep is finally mixed and mastered

cd cover artwork is finalized

vagabond records changes it's name to megabucks music

the ep title is decided on: "the pop shot!"

recording is finished on "the pop shot!" ep

initial demo's are finished and the four tracks to appear on the forthcoming ep are selected

we first meet phil cilia, ex-member of '80's giants waterfront.  phil enjoys what he sees and hears and decides to help out in his new capacity as talent scout and promoter.  various producers are soon to be targeted, including roy thomas baker (queen / motley crue) and pete woodroffe (def leppard)

recording begins in earnest for what will become "the pop shot!" ep

the notion of starting a record and publishing company arises and vagabond records is formed

decision is made to record and release an ep on our own label by the end of the summer

january 2001 - january 2002
z writes approx 30 songs for slt usage

december 2000
vikki comes on board

november 2000
the genesis of spit like this occurs one dark, drunken night.  from this point on, z starts his trek into the unknown... 

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